Thursday, November 21, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Seorang profesor tampak berdiri di depan satu kelas filsafat.

Saat dimulai, tanpa sepatah kata, dia ambil toples kosong yang besar dan mengisinya dengan bola-bola golf. Lalu bertanya, "Apakah toples ini sudah penuh?" Para mahasiswa kelas filsafat itu serempak meng-iya-kan.

Kemudian profesor filsafat itu mengambil sekotak batu kecil dan menuangkannya ke dalam toples lalu mengguncangnya. Batu-batu kecil masuk mengisi tempat kosong di antara bola-bola golf. Kemudian dia bertanya kembali, "Apakah toples ini sudah penuh?" Mereka setuju toples itu memang sudah penuh.

Selanjutnya dia mengambil sekotak pasir dan menebarkan ke dalam toples dan pasir itu menutup segalanya. Profesor sekali lagi bertanya, "Apakah toples ini sudah penuh?" Dan para mahasiswa serentak menjawab "ya".

Kemudian profesor itu menyeduh dua cangkir kopi dan menuangkannya ke toples, maka air kopi itu mengisi ruang kosong di antara pasir. Para mahasiswa tertawa.

"Sekarang, saya ingin kalian memahami bahwa toples ini adalah simbol hidupmu," kata profesor itu sambil tersenyum.

"Bola-bola golf adalah hal-hal penting, seperti Tuhan, keluarga, anak-anak, kesehatan, sahabat, dan kekasih. Jika segala sesuatu hilang dan hanya tinggal mereka, maka hidupmu masih tetap penuh."

"Batu-batu kecil adalah hal-hal lain, seperti pekerjaan, rumah, dan mobil."

"Pasir adalah hal-hal yang sepele. Jika kalian pertama kali menuangkan pasir ke dalam toples, maka tak akan tersisa ruang untuk batu dan bola golf."

"Hal yang sama akan terjadi dalam hidupmu, yaitu jika kalian menghabiskan energi untuk hal-hal sepele, maka kalian tak punya ruang untuk hal-hal penting."
"Jadi berilah perhatian pada hal-hal yang kritis untuk kebahagiaanmu."
"Bermainlah dengan anak-anakmu."
"Luangkan waktu untuk berolahraga demi menjaga kesehatanmu."
"Ajak pasanganmu keluar makan berdua di tempat yang romantis."
"Sediakan waktu untuk membersihkan rumah atau memperbaiki perabotan."
"Bekerjalah dengan fokus untuk mencapai kinerja terbaikmu."
"Berikan perhatian terlebih dahulu kepada bola-bola golf, kepada hal-hal yang benar-benar penting, atur prioritas, baru terakhir urus pasirnya."

Salah satu mahasiswi yang cantik bertanya, "Nah, kalau dua cangkir kopi itu mewakili apa, Prof?"

Profesor tersenyum, dan berkata: "Itu untuk menunjukkan, sekali pun hidupmu sudah penuh, tetap selalu tersedia waktu untuk secangkir kopi bersama sahabatmu."

Para mahasiswa yang lain serentak berdehem dan bersuit riuh.


BANYAK macam aliran tarekat yang ajaranya berbeda-beda namun tujuannya tetap sama. Pandangan Santri Cungkring, merasakan nikmatnya keberagaman. Lalu ia berbincang tentang hal itu kepada Kiai Cilik untuk sedikit dapat menjelaskannya. Kiai Cilik lalu bertutur;

Syariat mengajarkan tentang hukum atau aturan. Jika ingin melaksanakan aturan, diperlukan ruh supaya ibadah itu terasa hidup. Tariqatullah atau jalan kepada Allah inilah salah satunya yang kemudian dikenal dengan Tarekat.

Bijaklah, tarekat awalnya bukan perkumpulan orang-orang yang mengamalkan zikir. Tarekat hadir dari Tariqatussiriah yang berarti jalan rahasia atau amalan rahasia. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman, tarekat menyesuaikan zamannya menjadi lebih teratur, tertib dan terorganisir.

Bijaklah, aliran tarekat hadir merupakan ajaran yang benar-benar ada, terkecuali yang mengada-ada. Ia hadir menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing individu

“Jika engkau mendapatkan ketentraman, maka nikmatilah. Jika engkau menemukan kebenaran, ikutilah kebenaran.”

Sumber facebook Lukni Maulana

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Iwan Fals - Swami I (1989)

Track list :
-Bento [00:00:00]
-Bongkar [00:05:53]
-Badut [00:13:00]
-Esek Esek Udug Udug [00:19:19]
-Potret [00:24:40]
-Bunga Trotoar [00:29:59]
-Oh Ya [00:36:10]
-Condet [00:40:50]
-Perjalanan Waktu [00:45:33]
-Cinta [00:52:30]

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Perfect World Indonesia: Quest Gelar (Even Dunia) Setelah Update Evolution

Obtaining Titles: Introduction

Titles can be obtained by completing quests (click on the dagger icon on the top right corner to get the quests). Upon completion of those quest, open character screen, click on Title List->Title List and you can select any available title that you wish to wear next to your character name.

There are several Quest Chains, each having a specific seal. Completing each quest awards a specific title. You gain additional stats by earning each of titles (no need to wear the titles). All Stats are cumulative, permanent and are enhanced by buffs, strength, magic and other multipliers. Advanced instances, like AUE, Nirvana, Warsong as well as special events also have title quests.

Tracking Title Quests & Kill Counts:
Tracking the title Quests can only be done by clicking on Quest->Show/Hide->Click on the 3rd tab (title event). (Kill counts doesn't appear on the regular quest menu)

Spoiler Alert: If you want discover the quest line by youself, don't read the rest. You may use the following if you get stuck or something. Get ready for the most frustrating quest line ever.

List of Known Title Quests (51 Titles):

1. Seal: HarshLands
Getting Started: Click on the dagger icon on the top right corner of the screen to open up the title quest menu. Select the first quest, and click on challenge. This will give your first seal.
(i) Find the Duke, wandering around in arch. [Pathfinding Master] Congratulation, you have now obtained your first title: go to character menu to wear it next to your name (under title list)
(ii) Find a pile of rocks (519, 688) next to a Master psychic in the northwest corner of arch. A new title quest will pop up (click on the flashing dagger icon to take the quest). [Omniscient Seer]
(iii) Quest will automatically teleport you to the Hashlands (108 1003). Click on the flashing dagger icon to take the quest first. Kill 20 'Vengeful Troop Night Stalker', 20 'Vengeful Troop Dead Walker', 10 'Vengeful Inferno Chariot'. (Important: scroll up to see how to track the kill counts)[Fiery Vanguard](+3 phy-att)
(iv) Go to snowy village (148 959) to pick up the next quest. Stand next to the Seal at 177, 952 to finish that quest. [Private Investigator]
(v) Go back to snowy village (148 959), get the popup quest. Kill 50 'Florafangs'. Turn in at Frost Adventurer (153, 965). [Herbicidal Maniac](+5 mag-att)
(vi) Fly towards the entrance of Frost Covered City. A normal quest will pop up at 120 971 (25), asking you to go inside. (Optional. If you cannot find it, check your normal quest list for 'investigate frostcovered city', that's the quest. If you still cannot find it, make sure you have the previous title, and jump straight to the next part)
(vii) The previous quest will autocomplete as you teleport into Frostcovered City. The next quest will popup as you go up the ramp (next to the 1st shade, 418 529), ordering you to collect the Rebirth Stone from the Phoenix boss. [Frost Covered Enforcer](+9 phy-def)
(viii) Go close to the entrance of Eden, (163 992) or (162 994) on the ground, just next to the Entrance on the ground, you will get a normal quest asking you to go inside. (optional)
(ix) Go inside Eden. Clear up to 'Phlebo'. The spot is right next to the pillar of duty (381 594) to get the quest.
(x) Dig the conjuring table behind 'Phlebo' (385 589). [Head Hunter](+20 accuracy)
(xi) Go outside of Eden, find the altar (208, 996) to get the next quest. Quest make you wait 5mins. [Heaven's Friend]
(xii) Break the Seal: Harshland (177, 952) [Star of the Harshlands](+12 evasion)

[Harshland Liberator](+20 mag-def) is the unlocked Title set bonus for completing Seal: Harshland.

2. Seal: Canyon
(i) Teleport to Avalanche village to get the seal.
(ii) Kill 'Gothe' and collect 25 bones from them (u can find them south and east of avalanche village) [Bone Collector](+12 evasion)
Broken Quest Lines
(Several Bosses/Digs does not seem to exist in our current version of PW. The information of the theoretical location of missing bosses/digs, are given from pwdatabase and other version of PW. All quests listed as -Broken- are not available until pwi decides to update and fix things up. Skip them, for now.)
-Broken- (iii) Go to 316 946 for the next part of the quest. Kill the 'Three-Legged Vessel: General' after digging a crystal at same location (10 min respawn). [Bladeslinger](+3 phy-att) (the dig is currently missing)
-Broken- (iv) Go to 361 981 (25) to pick up the next quest. Find the Icy Weapons: Dagger (365 981), Needling (327 978), Hammer (324 970), Crossbow (352 932). [Arctic Archaeologist](+9 phy-def)
-Broken- (v) Go to 313 945. Kill the 'Three-legged Vessel: Icy Beast' after digging a crystal at the same location (10 min respawn). [Beast Butcher](+20 accuracy)
-Broken- (vi) To start the next quest, go to 305 912, (or 315 913, 323 916, 331 919, 337 921). Collect 25 Icy Armor from 'Nivastok Brave's. [Bravery Basher](+5 mag-att)
-Broken- (vii) Go to 313 945. Kill the 'Three-legged Vessel: Warrior' after digging a crystal at the same location (10 min respawn). [Striker](+5 mag-att)
-Broken- (vii Challenge) Go to 352 940 for the next part. Kill Deiciter White at the same location (Mini World Boss) [Anti Romantic]
-Broken- (viii) Break the Seal of Avalanche Canyon (315 946) (available between 17:00 - 23:59 and 00:01 - 08:30, server time). [Avalanche Canyon](+20 accuracy)

3. Seal: Archosaur
-Broken- (i) Teleport to Angler Village: walk a lil bit south-east (Next to banker) to get the seal. Dig the skeleton at 647,835. [Yohn's Foe]
-Broken- (ii) Go to the BH Platform in Archosaur 551,653 (27.5). Find the Duke Blacke. [Setback Resistance]
-Broken- (iii) Go to 561 624, in south district of Arch. Talk to the White Envoy Jade Snow (565 621). [The Lovable Agent]
-Broken- (iv) Go back to the BH Platform in Archosaur 551,653 (27.5). Find the 4 Sword: (648 582), (119 973), (171 901), (125 317). [Seiken Bearer]
-Broken- (v) Go back to the BH Platform in Archosaur 551,653 (27.5). Kill Poison Tail (Elf FB19), Thromh (Human FB19), Razorjaw (Untamed FB19), Quinzi (FB29), Hercule Trioc (FB39), Myriadtail Wyvern (FB51), Glutonix (FB 59), Gaurnob (FB69), Linus (FB79), Phelbo (Eden), Ethereal Abomination (Brim), Queen of Agony, Xipher (SOT), and Borobudur (Aba). [Nostalgia]
-Broken- (vi) Go to 577 653 (in East Arch). Find the 'Key to the Human world' by digging the glitter (The hook which is dipping in the water). [Gatekeeper].
-Broken- (vii) Go to 565 653 to pick up the next quest. Talk to the Dragon City Diplomat at the same location. [King of Rumors]
-Broken- (viii) The final quest will autocomplete after finishing the last part. [Back To Life]

4. Seal: Frozen River
(i) Seal Can be obtained at 204 973 (just above the water)
(ii) Dive into the water to kill 50 'Shadows of Icy River' (turn your visual effects to max, only the sparkly one is real, there are more groups down the river, only one mermaid is real per group) [Eyes of Insight](+9 phy-def)
(iii) Go to 241 980 for the next quest. Kill 50 'Icebreaker Antitan'. [Icebreaker Breaker](+3 phy-att)
(iv) Find Lumberjack at 265 1009 to pick up the next quest. Kill 50 'Lethal Araneid Sharpfang'. [TimberJack Guardian](+5 mag-att)
(v) Go to 232 981 to pick up the next quest. Find the 5 Blazings and dig them: Fire (232 978), Earth (251 986), Wood (209 936), water (235 925), gold (238 970) [Pyromaniac](+20 accuracy)
(vi) Fly toward the centre frozen river at 265 947 to pick up the quest. Dig the totem and kill the 'Spirit of Icy Field' (spirit may be glitchy and dive under water. Try stun locking) Pick the next quest right after killing. [Guide of Life](+20 accuracy)
(vii) Kill the 'Sea: Patrol Dragonroar' (Underwater). [I am a Master](+9 mag-def)
(viii) Break the Seal of the Frozen River, next to the boss (Use IG or a friend to help you dig it). [Glacial Star](+12 evasion)

4.a Seal: Frozen River, Challenge Quests
(i b) Go to 236 934 for the pop up quest. Kill 'Deiciter Black' (Mini World Boss, Spawns right after maintenance, Will be Camped by competitive players, There is no confirmed respawn time -but- it definitely not between 22hrs to 25hrs) [The Bravo] (+9 mag-def)
(vii b) Go to 285 960. Kill 'Watcher of Chasm' (World Boss, Spawns right after maintenance, Used to spawn after 4days~ish, Will be Camped by players). (This quest is unlocked after completing Guide of Life) [I Hate Doggy Eyes](+12 evasion)

[Man of Fury](+20 phy-def) is the unlocked Title set bonus for completing Seal: Frozen River (includes main quest line + Challenge quests)

5. Seal: Volcanic Purgatory
(i) The seal is next to the entrance of Human F19/Volcanic Purgatory (at 396, 992)
(ii) Kill 20 'Ant soldiers', 20 'Frozen Wolfmaster', 10 'Jumby Tempestress'. [The Exterminator](+9 phy-def)
-Broken- (iii) Go to 441 999 for the next quest popup. Kill Dargai, Torring, Naaru by digging crystals at 402 1006, 434 1006, and 440 1001. [Triple Threat Takedown](+9 phy-def) (Crystals are missing)
-Broken- (iv) Go to 404 954 to pick up the next quest. Kill the Protective Pillar after digging the totem inside the abandoned house. [The Final Judgment]
-Broken- (iv Challenge) Go to 450 914. Kill Vanma at 446 914. [Cutthroat]
-Broken- (v) Go inside Firecrag Grotto (FB19 Human). Kill 'Thromh the Mighty'. [Fireproof](+9 mag-def)
-Broken- (vi) Break the Seal of the Volcanic Purgatory (445 970). [Volcanic Purgatory](+12 evasion)

6. Seal: Tai Chi Shore
(i) The seal can be found at the cross road of haunted path (541 957)
(ii) Fly to the top of veiled tower. Find the next quest (530 966) [The Past is Bitter]
(iii) Fly to the top of Volcanic Purgatory (444 970) [Veil Raider]
(iv) Go to 560 980, defeat the 50 of the 'Undead Army' [GhoulFriend](+9 mdef)
(v) Go to the Tower of Darkness (568 928) Take the quest. It will send you north to Tai Chi Shore where you will get the next part of the quest. (580 983) [Shadow Raider]
(vi a) Kill the 'Empyrean Slither' (regular boss) [Monster Hunter](+9 mdef)
-Broken- (vii) The next quest starts around the little water pond next to the Slither (580 983). Kill Ghost & Chaos after digging the totems on the Tai Chi island. [Master of Balance](+3 phy-att). (Boss are missing)
-Broken- (vii b) Go to Sword Graveyard (525 928) to pick up the quest. Dig the correct sword out of the 9 available. [Heart of the Sword](+9 mag-def) (Swords are missing)

7. Seal: Misfortune
-Broken- (i) Seal can be obtained next to the top of the tree in Missfortune city at 673 975 (35 height) (npc is missing. Theoretical location of the npc is on top of the tree). [Tree Climber]
-Broken- (ii) Go to 661 968 (20) to start the next quest. Kill 20 'Bloodthirsty Sharks', 20 'Bloodthirsty Shark Queen' and 10 'Centipod Lord'. [Watery Grave]
-Broken- (iii) Go to 680 965 (15) or 665 971 (20). Find the 5 broken Altars: (691 960), (700 973), (636 1001), (640 945), and (674 934). [Deep-Sea Scavenger]
-Broken- (iv) Go to City of Misfortune (663 967). Obtain the 'Gratitude from Soul', by digging the 'Place of Alter'. [Priest of Misfortune]
-Broken- (v) Go 662 931 (17.5) to pick up the next quest. Obtain the 'Ancestors Bless', by digging the 'Ancestors' Steel'. [Parapsychologist]
-Broken- (v) Break the Seal of Misfortune at 688 955 (17). [Liberator of Misfortune]

8. Seal: Snake Island
(i) Fly off to 678 889 (Height 32) to get the seal
(ii) Go to 677 887. wait for the popup [Trapeze]
(iii) Fly to Angler Village (638 831). Quest will ask you to give stuff to Foreign Monk (try buying a thousand-year lees from the npc if the quest doesn't popup) [The Generous](+3 phy-att)
(iv) Fly North to the Shattered Jade Shore (635 874). Wait for the Popup. Kill 25 'Mechrabs' & 25 'Giant Chislers'. [Armored Pincers](+20 accuracy)
(v) Go to 626 885 to pick up the next quest. Kill 'Chin, Mausoleum Watchman' and 50 'FelboneShanks'. [Six League Under](+12 evasion)
(vi) Go to 638 872 to pickup the quest. Kill 'Cenminator' (World Boss, Spawns right after maintenance, Used to spawn after 4days~ish, Will be Camped by players). [Man of No Romance](+5 mag-att)
(vii) Go at 668 891 (21), just in the air. Take the quest. Go to 648 890 (under water). [Ego Draconis]
-Broken- (viii) Go to 677 888 (33). Break the seal of Snake Island. [Wind and Waves] (Dig is missing).

8.a Seal: Snake Island, Side Quests
-Broken- (iv b) Go to 677 888 (35). Kill 'Protection: Heaven'. [Skyscraper] (Boss missing)
-Broken- (v b) Go back to 677 888 (35). Kill 'Protection: Earth'. [Earthquaker] (Boss missing)
-Broken- (vi b) Go back to 677 888 (35). Kill 'Protection: Human'. [Manslayer] (Boss missing)

Endless Universe:(no order)
1. [Split Personality](+6 phy-att) Defeat 'Aohe Snake' and 'Aohe Dragon' within 60 min (AUE: Twin path)
2. [Master of Balance](+14 phy-def) Defeat 'Chigo, the Serpent Emperor' within 60 min (AUE: Balance of Light & Dark path)
3. [Hide and Seek](+14 mag-def) Defeat 'Locen, the Emperor of Flame' within 60 min (AEU: Stealth Bush path)
4. [Draongslayer](+40 accuracy) Defeat 'Aurogon, the Dragon Emperor' within 80 min (AUE: Final Boss)
5. [Master Plucker](+12 mag-att) Kill Ghost Wing in Regular EU within 60 mins
[Endless Ender](+60 accuracy) is the title set bonus for completing all 5 EU quests.

Other Titles:
1. [Aviator](+3 phy-att): Fly to an altitude of 79".
2. [Super Durable](+14 mag-def): Kill 'Incarcerate' in less than 80 minutes. (Warsong City)
3. [Naughty Junior](+14 phy-def): Kill 'Vanished Ancestor' within 40 minutes. (Regular Nirvana Final Boss, no need 99keys)
4. [Son of Fortune] (Expires after 30 days) Collect 5 'Auspicious Son' from the 'Fortune from Heaven' Event.
5. [Servant of Lord Kitten](+3 phy-att) (Expires after 60 days) Collect 15 Kitten Balls from a Yellow Kitten NPC (NPC spawns 'randomly' in arch at around 7:30pm server time with a system message)
6. [Mulberry's Aid](+12 evasion) Complete the 'Pestle of Re. Access.' quest chain (Quest starts at any Notice Board)
7. [Saint Savior](+9 mdef) (Expires after 60 days) Collect 20 Mulberry Hearts from new daily from 'Secret Man' 546 628 (Daily quest can be unlocked from completing 'Pestle of Re. Access'; Right after charging the crystal in SOT/Aba, you may turn in the heart to get exp+Stealth pot instead. Trash the quest rewards and keep collecting the hearts to achieve this title)
8. [Marshal's Deputy](+5 mag-att) Stand on the Pirate Ship, far east of Arch (626 659) just before or just after Nation War (20:00 - 22:30 server time, Friday or Sunday).
9. [Purgatory Suppressed](+6 phy-attack) Kill Queen of Agony: Xipher within 30 minutes (SOT Weekly, jump straight to bloody courtyard, no need to kill hellfire or trap master)
10. [Demon World Traveler](+12 mag-att) Kill Borobudur Dungeon Lord within 60 minutes (Aba Weekly).
11. [Doom of Eminence](+30 evasion) Kill Yelling To The Sky within 40 minutes. (Hidden Dragon Den)
12. [Haste Up](Expires after 30 days) Collect 5 'The Hasty Man' from the 'Quick as the Wind' Event.

Useful References/Resources:

Question: What to do with the Seal? It blocks space in my Inventory.
General Player Consensus indicates that it is 'safe' to npc the seal after gaining all the titles from the quest line. A minority of players has point out that the seal is useless besides getting the very first quest of the quest line and is not required to pick up the rest of the quests.

Change Log: (will only include addition of new titles, and important changes)
>29-Sep-2013: 49 working Titles discovered
>6-Oct-2013: Added 1 more quest to 50 working Titles ([Ego Draconis], under snake island quest chain). Added a guide from PWRU forums, under resources.
>6-Oct-2013: Will be adding theoretical location of missing bosses/digs, over the week; just in case pwi decides to fix it up.
>10-Oct-2013: Updated [Servant of Lord Kitten] under 'Other Titles': timed title which expires after 60 days, and with +3 phy-att.
>13-Oct-2013: Discovered 32 Broken Titles.
>19-Oct-2013: Updated [Saint Savior] under 'Other Title': timed title which expires after 60 days, and with +9 mag-def.
>28-Oct-2013: Added 1 more title 'Haste up', under 'Other Title', to 51 working titles.
>31-Oct-2013: Update "Haste up' to reflect new information: no stats, 30days expiry and purpl-ish color

Will update the thread when u guys post down stuffs. Credits goes to the pwi community and everybody who wish to help by posting their findings.

* * *
April-Patch Titles Seals:

1. Seal of Etherblade City(-confirmed-)
(i) Go meet the Elder in Etherblade City at (434 887) to get the popup quest. Talk to the Elder to finish the quest. [Etherblade Guard]
(ii) Head towards the North East exit of the City (459 897) to pick the book. Dig the 'Red Lantern' hanging from the arch of the gate. [Beacon of Hope](+14 accuracy)
(iii) Go to (445 895) to pick up the next quest. Dig a 'Pile of Junk'. [Bargain Hunter]
(iv) Go to (446 902) to pick up the next quest. Dig the 'Strange Jar'. [Diamond in the Rough](+5 mag-def)
(v) Go to (442 896) to pick up the next quest. Dig the 'Dye Vat'. [Red]
(vi) Find the Blacksmith (442 899) to get the next popup. Talk to him finish the quest. [Blacksmith]
(vii) Break the Seal of Etherblade City, found at the bottom of the waterfall (443 905). (Beware: don't pickup the second quest, or else you will get teleported) [Star of Etherblade City](+5 mag-att)

2. Seal of Boundless Grassland(-confirmed-)
(i) Head towards Village of the Oppressed (236 842) to pick up the quest. Talk to Ancient Wall Commandant (274 846) to finish the quest. [National]
(ii) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Go to 274 810 to complete the quest. [Warrior]
(iii) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Dig some Loose Stones (251 816), just outside Camp of the Intrepid. Find Konsun Tann inside Camp of the Intrepid (257 816) to turn in the quest. [Great Plains](+8 evasion)
(iv) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Kill 3 'Decaying Cleavehand', 3 'Soul Devourer' and 2'Headless Knight-Captain'. Find Konsun Tann at Camp of the Intrepid (257 816) to turn in the quest. [Savage Slayer](+5 phy-def)
(v) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Collect 3 Warm Furs from killing 'Chipmunq Glutton'. Find Konsun Tann at Camp of the Intrepid (257 816) to turn in the quest. [Sunset](+3 phy-att)
(vi) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Find Konsun Tann at Camp of the Intrepid (257 816) to turn in the quest. [Puzzle Solver]
(vii) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Talk to the Scarecrow (237 839) to complete the quest and receive Iron Jade's Letter. [Scarecrow]
(viii) Activate the Iron Jade's Letter and pick up the next quest. Collect 10 Green Fragments from 'Ossein Soulbasher'. [Big Fan of Stories](+3 mag-att)

-Broken-(ix) Pick up the next quest from the same location or at (236 842). Find the Scarecrow to summon "Yellow Stone Guards" (237 839). Collect 6 Emerald Sword Fragments from the 'Yellow Stone Guard' -Broken-(mobs only spawn once at server reset. The quest to respawn the mobs seems broken for now]. Find Konsun Tann at Camp of the Intrepid (257 816) to turn in the quest. [Seal Destroyer](+11 accuracy)
(x) Destroy the seal of Boundless Grasslands (288 816). [Son of the Prairie](+7 evasion)

3. Seal of Ancient Wall.(-confirmed-)
(i) Go to 180,897 (26.5) to pick up the quest and the book. Kill 15 'Rensentful Towerling'. Talk to the Ancient Wall Captain to finish the quest. [Bright](+5 phy-def)
(ii) Go to South Barrier Village (149 818)(ground) to pick up the next quest. Talk to Apothecary Hsiao (147 813) to complete the quest. -no title-
(iii) From the same location, pick up the popup quest. Talk to Cho Cho to complete the quest (144 816) [Truth Seeker]
(iv) Pick up the next quest on your way to Taoist Ching at 144 842 (26). Talk to him to finish the quest. [Quester]
(v) Go to 150 859 (Just above water level) to pick up the next quest. Kill 15 'Undine Mystic' and turn in the quest at Daggan, on the boat (153 860). [Fishy](+7 evasion)
(vi) Go to East Barrier Village 183 870 (ground level) to pick up the next quest. Kill 15 'Headless Knight-Captain' and turn in the quest at Little Brother (182 868). [Persistent](+3 mag-att)
(vii) Head towards North Barrier Village (153 898) to pick up the next quest. Find Ching Yin (159 905). [Insane Love]
(viii) Go to 174 914 (23) to pick up the next quest. Kill Omen Magic Eye 185 920 (37) (at the mountain peak). Boss has 800k Hp. Soloable with endgame gear. Beware of strong pdef/mdef debuff. -no title-
(ix) Destroy the Ancient Wall Seal (183 896). [Star of the Ancient Wall](+11 accuracy)
(x) Head towards North Barrier Village (156 894) to pick up the next quest. Find Ching Yin (159 905) to complete the quest. -no title-
(xi) Go to (138 892) to pick new quest.Talk to Taoist Kui to complete the quest. -no title-
(xii) Go to (159 905) to pick new quest.Talk to Ching Yin to complete the quest. [Power of Love]
(xiii) Go to (153 821) to pick next quest.Talk to Cho Cho to complete the quest. [Redeemer](+3 phy-att)

4. Seal of Broken Plains(-confirmed-)
(i) Go to 376 811 to pick up the quest and the book. Kill 5 'Native Vipion', 5 'Mythical Wolfkin', and 5 'Mastiff of the Great Divide'. [Like to walk along a river]
(ii) Go to 370 838 to pick up the next quest. Kill 5 'Great Twinheaded Canus', 5 'Perennial Sharptooth', and 5 'Arboride Weezbloom'. [Don't pick Wild Flowers](+5 phy-def)
(iii) Go to 383 880 to pick up the next quest. Kill 10 'Senile Weezbloom'. [Big Pinwheel]
(iv) Go to 334 856 to pick up the next quest. Kill 5 'Feligar Minion' and 5 'Feligar Bowman'. [Bane of the Evil Lion](+5 mag-def)
(v) Go to 334 825 to pick up the next quest. Kill 5 'Aurichide Grimalkin', 1 'Aurichide Grimalking' and 1 'Hexocelot Sharpshooter'. [Guard of Broken Plain]
(vi) Pick up the quest at 323 845, and destroy the seal of the Broken Plain. [Star of the Broken Plain](+14 accuracy)

5. Seal of Burning Heart.(-confirmed-)
(i) Go east from Immolation Camp (142 758) to pick up the book. [Burning Heart Seeker]
(ii) Go back to Immolation Camp (132 750) to pick up the quest. Talk to the Leader of Immolation Camp (133 756) to complete the quest. [Anguish Easer]
(iii) Go to (161 735) to pick up the quest. Kill 10 'Demonic Rogueknight', 10 'Orelith', and 10 'Crystalline Warden'. [Bravest of the Army](+5 mag-att
(iv) Find Tsu Lan at 147 770 (25) to pick up the next quest. Talk to him to complete the quest. [Volcanic Overseer]
(v) Pick up the next quest at the same location. Kill 3 'Blazing Guardian'. [Blazing Guardian]
(vi) Go to (151 773) to pick up the next quest. Kill 'Soulmass Beast'. [Soul Beast Slaughterer](+5 mag-def)
(vii) Destroy the Seal of the Burning Heart (107 769). [Volcanic Savior](+8 evasion)

6. Seal of Plain of Farewells-[Broken since 21 May Patch]
(i) Go to Sirry Wine Camp (236 778) to pick up the quest and the book. Talk to Kufeng the Elder to finish the quest (233 779). [Investigator]
(ii) Go to 234 770 (next to the totem) to pick up the quest. Kill 15 'Elite Tigaero Guard'. [Arcane Hero](+3 mag-att)
(iii) Go to 226 773 to pick up the next quest. Dig a 'Cursed Bobin'. (not respawning anymore)[Apricus]
(iv) Go to 211 759 to pick up the next quest. Talk Snow Oiole to finish the quest. [Early Bird]
(v) Go to 252 724 to pick up the quest. Kill 15 'Cougaret Master at Arms. [Stubborn](+10 accuracy)
(vi) Go to 266 754 to pick up the quest (on the ground next to the bones). Kill 15 'Elite Infernal Guard'. [Ancient]
(vii) Find Siohan (248 782) to pick up the next quest. Talk to him to finish the quest. [Legendary]
(viii) Break the Seal, inside Charmed Eye Lake, at 258, 787 (17). [Hero of the Plains](+3 phy-att)

Top Paramore Songs (WLO (RB Quest) Version)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Iwan Fals - Mega Collection 2 part

Track list:
1. 15 Juli 1996 00:00
2. 22 Januari 05:23
3. Aku Bukan Pilihan 09:04
4. Air Mata 13:24
5. Apakah Aku Benar - Benar Memiliki Kamu 18:19
6. Ayolah Mulai 22:43
7. Buku Ini Aku Pinjam 27:36
8. Celoteh Camar Tolol 32:26
9. Condet 37:29
10. Damai Kami Sepanjang Hari 42:16
11. Esek Esek Udug Udug 45:00
12. 14-04-84 50:20
13. 16 Juli 1996 55:49
14. 17 Juli 1996 59:40
15. 1910 01:05:28
16. '.' 01:11:21
17. ^o^ 01:15:44
18. Ada Lagi Yang Mati 01:20:24
19. Ada 01:25:00
20. Air Mata Api 01:29:37
21. Aku Antarkan 01:34:22
22. Aku Berjalan 01:38:09
23. Aku Bosan 01:42:16
24. Aku Disini 01:47:56
25. Aku Menyayangimu 01:51:39
26. Aku Sayang Kamu 01:56:01
27. Alam Malam 01:59:48
28. Alasan 02:08:22
29. Ambulance Zig Zag 02:11:49
30. Ancur 02:15:32
31. Anjing Hitam 02:19:54
32. Antara Aku Kau Dan Bekas Pacarmu 02:28:01
33. Antara Aku, Kau Dan Bekas Pacarmu 02:32:11
34. Asik Nggak Asik 02:37:02
35. Asmara Tak Secengeng Yang Kau Kira 02:42:40
36. Awang Awang 02:47:45
37. Azan Subuh Masih Di Telinga 02:52:42
38. Badut 02:57:57
39. Bakar 03:04:21
40. Balada Orang Pedalaman 03:09:01
41. Balada Pengangguran 03:12:38
42. Bangunlah Putra Putri Pertiwi 03:17:41
43. Barang Antik 03:21:36
44. Belalang Tua 03:25:08
45. Belum Ada Judul 03:31:06
46. Bencana Alam 03:34:59
47. Bento 03:39:19
48. Berandal Malam Dibangku Terminal 03:45:18
49. Berapa 03:50:43
50. Berkacalah Jakarta 03:54:27
51. Besar Dan Kecil 03:58:26
52. Bidadari Senjakala 04:01:41
53. Bongkar 04:07:59
54. Buktikan 04:15:11
55. Bunda Trotoar 04:18:55
56. Bung Hatta 04:25:11
57. Bunga Bunga Kumbang Kumbang 04:29:19
58. Cair Lalu Mencair 04:34:32
59. Cemburu 04:39:00
60. Cenderawasih 04:44:44
61. Cik 04:52:29
62. Cikal 04:56:49
63. Cinta 05:04:40
64. Columbia 05:12:55
65. Coretan 05:18:46
66. Dalbo 05:24:41
67. Dan Orde Paling Baru 05:27:47
68. Dendam Damai 05:31:44
69. Desa 05:37:13
70. Di Mata Air Ada Air Mata 05:41:11
71. Dihatimu Aku Berlindung 05:44:20
72. Disco Cangkeling 05:49:20
73. Diujung Abad 05:51:23
74. Doa Dalam Sunyi 05:57:41
75. Doa Pengobral Dosa 06:02:22
76. Do'a 06:06:50
77. Dongeng Tidur 06:09:57
78. Dua Menit Sepuluh Detik 06:16:11
79. Dunia Binatang 06:18:24
80. Entah 06:22:43
81. Ethiopia 06:27:29
82. Gali Gongli 06:33:31
83. Gaya Travolta 06:37:22
84. Gelisah 06:40:09
85. Generasi Frustasi 06:47:34
86. Guru Oemar Bakri 06:52:13
87. Guru Zirah 06:56:25
88. Hadapi Saja (Edit Version) 07:00:44
89. Hadapi Saja 07:05:17
90. Hidup 07:09:33
91. Hijau 07:15:56
92. Hio 07:27:10
93. Hua Ha Ha! 07:36:09
94. Huru-Hara, Hura-Hura 07:40:58
95. Hutanku 07:46:37
96. Ibu 07:52:14
97. Ijinkan Aku Menyayangimu 07:55:58
98. Ikan - Ikan 08:00:44
99. Ikrar 08:05:14
100. Imitasi 08:09:35
101. Ini Bukan Mimpi 08:12:46
102. Ini Si Trendy 08:16:55
103. Inspirasi 08:20:43
104. Intermezo 08:24:25
105. Intro 08:29:12
106. Iya Memang Kamu 08:30:58
107. Jakarta 08:33:53
108. Jalan Panjang Yang Berliku 08:45:18
109. Jaman Edan 08:49:45
110. Jangan Bicara 08:54:55
111. Jangan Tutup Dirimu 09:01:06
112. Jendela Kelas Satu 09:06:24
113. Jendral Tua 09:10:04
114. Jogja 09:14:26
115. Joni Kesiangan 09:18:42
116. Kantata Takwa 09:22:22
117. Karena Kau Bunda Kali 09:29:59
118. KaSaCiMa 09:35:14
119. Kaum Urbanis 09:40:01
120. Kebaya Merah 09:42:35
121. Kembang Pete 09:50:22
122. Kemesraan 09:54:21

01- Kereta Tiba Pukul Berapa 00:00
02- Kereta Tua 04:11
03- Kesaksian 07:18
04- Kisah Sepeda Motorku 13:23
05- Kontrasmu Bisu 16:28
06- Koran Koranku 21:25
07- Kota 27:49
08- Krisis Pemuda 32:41
09- Kuda Coklatku 38:31
10- Kuda Lumpang 42:57
11- Kudatangkan TubuhMu 48:40
12- Kumenanti Seorang Kekasih 53:22
13- Kupaksa Untuk Melangkah 57:04
14- Kupu Kupu Hitam Putih 01:01:00
15- Kupu-Kupu Hitam Putih 01:05:51
16- Kwek-Kwek-Kwek 01:11:45
17- Lagu Cinta 01:16:19
18- Lagu Lama Gaungnya Rata 01:21:46
19- Lagu Pemanjat 01:26:09
20- Lancar 01:31:10
21- Libur Kecil Kaum Kusam 01:35:24
22- Lingkaran Aku Cinta padamu 01:40:04
23- Lingkaran Keheningan 01:43:20
24- Lonteku 01:47:58
25- Maaf Cintaku 01:53:56
26- Mabuk Cinta 01:58:32
27- Mainan 02:02:42
28- Mak 02:10:51
29- Malahayati 02:17:45
30- Manusia Setengah Dewa 02:23:01
31- Masih Bisa Cinta 02:27:19
32- Mata Indah Bola Pingpong 02:31:59
33- Matadewa 02:36:30
34- Matahari Bulan Dan Bintang 02:41:51
35- Menang 02:48:28
36- Mencetak Sawah 02:52:38
37- Menunggu Ditimbang Malah Muntah 02:55:52
38- Mereka Ada di Jalan 03:02:32
39- Mimpi Yang Terbeli 03:07:33
40- Mungkin 03:11:51
41- Na Na Na 03:15:54
42- Nak 03:21:37
43- Nasib Nyamuk 03:26:09
44- Negara 03:31:07
45- Nelayan 03:36:58
46- Nenekku Okem 03:43:08
47- Ngeriku 03:46:08
48- Nocturno 03:50:02
49- Nona 03:54:16
50- Nyanyian Jiwa 03:58:30
51- Nyanyianmu 04:06:46
52- Oh Ya... 04:11:08
53- Orang - Orang Kalah 04:15:51
54- Orang Gila 04:21:01
55- P.H.K 04:26:34
56- Pada Batu Dalam Diam 04:30:51
57- Paman Doblang 04:35:00
58- Panggilan Dari Gunung 04:41:33
59- Para Tentara 04:45:01
60- Pemborong Jalan 04:50:35
61- Penari Jalanan 04:53:13
62- Pengamen 04:57:25
63- Perempuan Malam 05:02:45
64- Perjalanan Waktu 05:06:23
65- Perjalanan 05:13:25
66- Persoalan 05:17:08
67- Pesawat Tempurku 05:22:29
68- PHK 05:27:22
69- Pie-Pie 05:32:44
70- Pinggiran Kota Besar 05:36:37
71- Pohon Untuk Kehidupan 05:41:05
72- Politik Uang 05:46:32
73- Potret Panen Dan Mimpi Wereng 05:51:55
74- Potret 05:55:27
75- Proyek 13 05:58:28
76- Puing 06:05:07
77- Puisi Gelap 06:11:15
78- Pulang Kerja 06:15:17
79- Pulanglah 06:20:45
80- Rajawali 06:26:31
81- Rinduku 06:31:07
82- Robot Bernyawa 06:35:12
83- Rog Rog Asem 06:41:23
84- Rubah 06:47:21
85- Sang Petualang 06:53:54
86- Sangkalah 06:58:46
87- Sarjana Muda 07:05:41
88- Satu-satu 07:10:49
89- Sebelum Kau Bosan 07:15:14
90- Selamat Tidur Sayang 07:18:00
91- Selamat Tinggal Malam 07:22:34
92- Senandung Istri Bromocorah 07:26:14
93- Senandung Lirih 07:31:48
94- Sepak Bola 07:36:21
95- Seperti Matahari 07:42:54
96- Serdadu 07:47:32
97- Serenade 07:52:53
98- Sesuatu Yang Tertunda 07:55:00
99- Si Tua Sais Pedati 08:00:59
100- Siang Seberang Istana 08:05:25